Scratch building is one of my favorite topics. This is the type of project where you can watch a dream become a reality. It is an exciting process! The model depicted in the slide show above is a glider that I built in the spring of 2013. I started the CAD design on this project 26 March. I was a little nuts trying to design and build it in 1 month. I did not quite make it as I finished it 4 May. It was designed to be a somewhat retro looking glider for aerotow. It is 4 channel control, (ail.,ele.,rud.,split flaps). It also has a servo actuated release in the nose. All servos are Hitec HS-85BB. Airfoil is SD6060. Span is 72″, area is 567 sq.”. Completed weight is 51 oz. It has been an interesting project both from the building and flying aspects. I hope you decide to get in on the excitement of building your own model from scratch. And if you are interested in aerotowing read my blog here;   On the Line… Aerotowing RC Gliders!

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